ABB low voltage wind turbine converters


ABB low voltage wind turbine converters

ABB low voltage wind turbine converters
ABB low voltage wind turbine converters
Reliable technology for wind powerProfile
The wind power market continues to expand Certification starts inside the turbine
Today’s wind turbine manufacturers and wind farm owners are Turbine manufacturers realize that the wind turbine power
experiencing steady growth which is predicted to continue. converter plays a significant role in meeting these grid code
With a renewed push by many governments for increased requirements. The selection of the right wind turbine converter
renewable power capacity, wind energy continually gains more is critical in the turbine design and for a higher wind farm
focus. return on investment.
Diverse grid codes provide unique challenges Flexible suppliers help reduce production costs
But growth does not come without its share of problems. Turbine manufacturers compete for new business by building
As wind energy production increases, countries and power better turbines while keeping production costs as low as possible.
utilities realize that the way in which wind farms cope with Turbine component suppliers in turn, need to be fl exible and
transmission grid faults can significantly impact the stability competitive in order to meet their customer’s needs. This means
of the entire transmission grid, possibly leading to black-outs that the wind turbine converter manufacturer needs to provide the
and other service disruptions. To address these concerns, engineering support, be able to customize the converter designs,
power utilities and regional governments have developed grid and provide the fl exible, volume production capacity to provide
code specifications that outline expected wind farm behavior high quality products, on-time and on-budget.
in response to defined fault conditions. The challenge to the
wind farm owners and turbine manufactures is to make sure Service and support extend the life cycle
they can efficiently produce power and achieve the return on Environmental conditions such as salt, sand, and dust as well as
investment desired while meeting grid code requirements. temperature and operating cycles all affect the performance of
Having to make costly retrofits to newly installed turbines in the wind turbine. Keeping converters running like-new requires
response to grid code changes is not good business. that turbine manufacturers and wind farm operators have the
right training, preventive maintenance schedules, spare parts and
2 ABB low voltage wind turbine converters | Reliable technology for wind powertechnical support to get the job done. This is needed in a global available which are designed for use with all of today’s wind
environment where suppliers need to be easy to access. turbine generator concepts. The converters are supported by
a global manufacturing, support and services footprint, with
ABB provides solutions factories located in Europe, Asia and the United States.
ABB understands these issues and provides products that
are engineered and built to provide competitive, cost efficient And regardless of the converters installed location, ABB’s
solutions to the wind industry. ABB’s wind turbine converters global support and training network is never far away with
are based on the same technology and platforms used in offices in around 100 countries.
ABB’s industrial drive technology found throughout the world.
The converters are backed by ABB’s global service and All of these factors bring signifi cant advantages to the wind farm
support network throughout the life cycle of the converter. owners, turbine manufacturers, investors, and power utilities:
ABB Highlights:
ABB, the global market leader for electrical products and solutions − Broad wind turbine converter power range
for wind power has over 100 years of experience and global − Support for today’s generator concepts
collaboration with the power utilities and the process industries. − ABB global presence and service
− Constructed with familiar, high volume industrial components
During 2008, ABB supplied over 3,000 MW of wind turbine − Competitive high quality products
converter power to the wind industry. These factors provide − Remote monitoring
the basis for reliability and trust the wind industry can rely on. − Grid code compliance – fault ride-through
− Designed for harsh operating environments
ABB’s wind turbine converters include solutions for all
environmental conditions with both liquid and air cooled models
ABB low voltage wind turbine converters | Reliable technology for wind power 3Expertise
Grid code reassurance Low voltage ride-through and grid support
As the installed capacity of wind farms increases, the share A common requirement for all grid codes is a fault ride-though
of power they provide to the transmission network also capability where the wind farm and the turbines must be capable
increases. This means that during times of grid fault, the way of operating continuously at reduced voltage and must not trip
a wind farm is able to deal with the fault has a significant off-line because of transient voltages. Previously, wind farms were
impact on the stability of transmission grid. required to disconnect from the network when a disturbance,
such as a voltage dip, was detected because turbine
To regulate these conditions, utility companies have technology was not fast enough to recover in a stable manner.
developed regional grid code specifications that wind
farms must meet. These grid codes, which outline grid Technology has improved as well as the volume of power
fault conditions and the expected wind turbine behavior in generated by wind farms. Grid codes have changed to now
response to these conditions, are becoming more demanding, require wind farms to remain connected during voltage dips
and vary from country to country. The wind turbine converter and to provide active and or reactive power to the network
plays an important role in helping the wind turbine meet during the fault. ABB has designed their wind turbine
these grid code requirements and to obtain the necessary converters to provide full reactive current immediately when
operational certification. the grid fault starts.
Globally active in grid code working groups and research ABB’s low voltage ride-through laboratory
ABB is committed to ensuring their wind turbine converters ABB has taken the testing and certification process one step
provide the technical capabilities to support the wind turbine further by developing and building a customized 3 MW grid
in meeting these diverse grid code requirements. ABB invests code laboratory located in Helsinki, Finland. The laboratory
signifi cant engineering into research and development, staying was designed to replicate a complete wind turbine with
active in grid code and power quality working groups supporting generators, wind turbine converters, transformers, medium
power system reliability, and in simulations and research. voltage switchgear, and is connected to Helsinki Energy’s
ABB engineers provide technical feedback on the feasibility of 20 kV transmission line. This configuration allows ABB
proposed grid code changes, ensuring the current technology engineers to test the low voltage ride-through behavior of wind
and production costs are compatible with the proposed turbines in a controlled environment. The laboratory helps
changes. Additionally, ABB engineers provide feedback on reduce on-site testing costs by replacing the variability of the
proposed grid code specifi cations that may be unclear or need wind with a speed controlled motor driving the generators. This
additional defi nition in order to be tested properly. allows testing of multiple power levels more effi ciently.
4 ABB low voltage wind turbine converters | Reliable technology for wind powerComputer controlled wind speed and testing Capitalize on ABB engineering
Generators used during testing in ABB’s low voltage ride- Wind turbine design demands a signifi cant amount of technical
through laboratory are driven by an ABB low voltage drive engineering. The wind turbine manufacturer not only has to
which controls the motor connected to the generator. Using ensure the technical requirements of the system are accounted
the ABB drive allows engineers to adjust the motor speed to for in the design, they also have to ensure the design meets
replicate the dynamics of pitch control, allowing for realistic their planned budget and production capabilities.
increases in wind speed as well as oscillations which can be
obtained during and after the voltage dip. ABB supports turbine manufacturers during their converter
engineering phase, working with the customer to integrate
Custom testing configuration software the converter into the turbine design and control system
ABB engineers use custom testing software to configure and to answer questions. Additionally ABB engineers help
the test’s fault conditions. These fault conditions may the turbine manufacturer understand how to obtain the best
be taken from grid code specifications or from turbine performance out of the converter to increase the overall
manufacturer’s requirements. Engineers can initiate a three- turbine performance.
phase, two-phase, or single-phase voltage dip and select
the exact instant during the voltage cycle to initiate the Turbine certification support
fault. Additionally, a sequence of faults in order to emulate Turbine certifications are based on the grid codes used
the re-closing operations, as well as faults developing from in the region the turbine will be installed. When turbine
single-phase earth faults to three-phase short circuits, can manufacturers are applying for turbine certification, ABB
be programmed for testing in conjunction with other tests. engineers can help the turbine manufacturer use and
Current, voltage and power measurements are recorded by maximize the converter’s technology to meet the requirements
the testing software which generates a testing report. of the grid code.
ABB low voltage wind turbine converters | Reliable technology for wind power 5Products
ABB low voltage wind turbine converters
尊敬的用户,您所提及的 "ABB low voltage wind turbine converters" 指的是来自全球知名电气设备制造商瑞典阿贝巴(ABB)的一款低电压等级风力发电变流器。这种变流器专为风力发电机设计,其核心功能是将风轮产生的机械能转化为电能,并在并网过程中进行电压调节和控制,以满足电网接入要求和优化电力传输效率。在风力发电系统中,这类变流器扮演着至关重要的角色,通过精准的电力转换技术确保了风能的有效利用和可靠供电。如果您有关于这款产品具体的技术参数、应用案例或服务支持的问题,欢迎继续询问!
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ABB low voltage wind turbine converters
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ABB low voltage wind turbine converters
尊敬的用户,您所提及的 "ABB low voltage wind turbine converters" 指的是来自全球知名电气设备制造商瑞典阿贝巴(ABB)的一款低电压等级风力发电变流器。这种变流器专为风力发电机设计,其核心功能是将风轮产生的机械能转化为电能,并在并网过程中进行电压调节和控制,以满足电网接入要求和优化电力传输效率。在风力发电系统中,这类变流器扮演着至关重要的角色,通过精准的电力转换技术确保了风能的有效利用和可靠供电。如果您有关于这款产品具体的技术参数、应用案例或服务支持的问题,欢迎继续询问!

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