Phase-Shifting Transformers
Phase-shifting transformers (PST) are used to control the flow of real power in transmission lines by manipulating the phase angle
difference. The phase angle shift is obtained by combining the voltages from different phases in the PST. Phase-shifting transformers,
when combined with standard capacitors and reactors, can even provide control of reactive power and fault current limitation.
The solution then becomes an ABB-patented Interphase Power Controller (IPC).
Power flow control pre-requisite to
trading transmission capacity
In a de-regulated market electrical power generation will be installed and scheduled following purely financial incentives, which often
results in transmission bottlenecks. Transmission capacity becoming a sometimes scarce good - will be traded. Some means is needed
to guard transmission assets from unscheduled use. PSTs and IPCs perform this function in a very economic way. Phase angle control
allows the determination of the amount and the direction of power exchanged over lines connecting two networks. Circulating power
flows can be suppressed.
Remove transmission bottlenecks
Often the natural impedances and phase angle differences in a network lead to
unequal utilization of parallel lines. Phase-shifting transformers redirect the
power flow. Existing lines can thus be exploited closer to their thermal limits.
Short pay-back times
The removal of transmission
congestion that prevents generation
companies from delivering at full
capacity, or guarding transmission
lines against unscheduled power
flows, allowing to earn transmission
fees, often pay for the investment
costs in just two to three years.
One stop solution competence
PSTs and IPCs will be designed to meet the specific needs of your application.
Minimum and maximum impedance, phase angle regulation range,
transportation and installation restrictions are taken into account. We offer
assistance in identifying and specifying the best power flow solution, as well
as guidance in protection and control of PSTs and IPCs in close cooperation
with our ABB partners. We can offer you a turn key solution from the initial
study to the commissioning of the equipment.
8 ABB Power Transmission
Phase-shifting transformers (PST) are used to control the flow of real power in transmission lines by manipulating the phase angle
difference. The phase angle shift is obtained by combining the voltages from different phases in the PST. Phase-shifting transformers,
when combined with standard capacitors and reactors, can even provide control of reactive power and fault current limitation.
The solution then becomes an ABB-patented Interphase Power Controller (IPC).
Power flow control pre-requisite to
trading transmission capacity
In a de-regulated market electrical power generation will be installed and scheduled following purely financial incentives, which often
results in transmission bottlenecks. Transmission capacity becoming a sometimes scarce good - will be traded. Some means is needed
to guard transmission assets from unscheduled use. PSTs and IPCs perform this function in a very economic way. Phase angle control
allows the determination of the amount and the direction of power exchanged over lines connecting two networks. Circulating power
flows can be suppressed.
Remove transmission bottlenecks
Often the natural impedances and phase angle differences in a network lead to
unequal utilization of parallel lines. Phase-shifting transformers redirect the
power flow. Existing lines can thus be exploited closer to their thermal limits.
Short pay-back times
The removal of transmission
congestion that prevents generation
companies from delivering at full
capacity, or guarding transmission
lines against unscheduled power
flows, allowing to earn transmission
fees, often pay for the investment
costs in just two to three years.
One stop solution competence
PSTs and IPCs will be designed to meet the specific needs of your application.
Minimum and maximum impedance, phase angle regulation range,
transportation and installation restrictions are taken into account. We offer
assistance in identifying and specifying the best power flow solution, as well
as guidance in protection and control of PSTs and IPCs in close cooperation
with our ABB partners. We can offer you a turn key solution from the initial
study to the commissioning of the equipment.
8 ABB Power Transmission
1. 高精度控制:采用先进的控制技术和精密制造工艺,确保在不同负载条件下能够精确地移相和调节电压。
2. 低损耗设计:采用高效磁芯材料和优化的绕组结构,降低铁损和铜损,提高能源转换效率。
3. 强大的热管理:具有良好的散热设计,保证在高功率运行时变压器温度维持在安全范围内。
4. 安全性与可靠性:符合严格的安全标准和电磁兼容(EMC)要求,能够在各种恶劣环境下长期稳定运行。
5. 模块化和灵活性:提供多种规格和配置选项,适应不同的应用场景需求,如电动机启动、变频器驱动系统、高压输电线路的无功补偿等。