Dry Type Distribution Transformers
250 kVA up to 40,000 kVAMission Working with us, you have access to a world-
wide network of factories and facilities serving
ABB is a global leader in power and automati-
you locally with a full range of products and
on technologies that enable utility and industry
solutions. Our warranty provides one ABB qua-
customers to improve performance while
lity and service. Working together gives you ac-
lowering environmental impact.
cess to production facilities using the most up
to date technologies, providing the highest qua-
lity for standard and specialty products as well
Introduction to ABB
as solutions.
ABB is the worlds leading supplier of Distribution
Transformers. We offer:
All technologies (Dry/Liquid)
All standards (IEC, ANSI, etc)
Applications up to 72.5 kV
Facts and figures (approx)
Production facilities around the world: 30
Countries with Sales and Services centers: 140
Number of units produced yearly: 400,000
Quality statement
Our production facilities are ISO 9001/14001
certified. Our aim is to deliver your distribution
transformers fast, on time and conform to your
the clean technology
The Challenge:
Environmental Safety & Security
Environmental protection demands are today
constantly rising. Ever more frequently, dry type
transformers user specifications are focused on
creating minimum environmental contamina-
tion and providing the very lowest flammabili-
ty risks. For this reason, our transformers must
today constantly meet more stringent parameters
with respect to electrical system demands, as
well as more extreme operating conditions. Glass fibre reinforcement
Applications today include: high-rise office and eliminates all risk of cracks
public buildings, nuclear power plants, offshore and provides the highest
petrochemical platforms, and high output mechanical strength
industrial process plants.
Development of many new technologies has
enabled our transformer designers to apply
modern materials with the very latest of pro-
cesses, increasing the transformers durability
while ensuring unprecedented product reliability.
Thermal shock proof
If any of the following demands form part of even at the highest and
your transformer application, then ABB has the lowest temperatures
necessary solution:
No environmental or human
contamination risks
Non-explosive and extreme fire resistance
Heavy loading cycles (from cold starts to
full loading)
High short circuit withstand Smooth surfaces restrict
Exposure to extreme conditions (arctic, dust accumulation
tropic, chemicals, moistures etc)
Harmonic overloading, over-voltage peaks
or variable load factors
Minimum maintenance
Glass fibre and epoxy
The solution: resin encapsulation pre-
RESIBLOC®- the cast resin transformer vents ingress of moisture and
protects against aggressive
For over 30 years, we have produced and sup-
plied cast resin transformers all over the world.
RESIBLOC® transformers answer the need for
a safe, reliable transformer designed to fulfil the
most exacting specification requirements, whilst
providing a non-flammable, environmentally
safe product.
High impulse withstand
The glass fibre reinforced RESIBLOC®transfor- through layer winding,
mer offers an extremely robust and proven de- giving a linear voltage
sign for medium voltage transformer require- distribution
ments, conforming to IEC 60076-11 standards.
4 ABBMain technical data
Power rating (AN) 250 kVA to 40,000 kVA
Classification acc. to IEC 60076-11
Rated voltage up to 45 kV – Climatic classification C2
– Environmental classification E2
– Fire classification F1
Compact self-supporting
winding in a one-piece
block – optimum to with-
stand short-circuit-forces
Cylindrical cooling-ducts
provide the advantage of op-
timal cooling through the
inner coil
Aluminium or Copper foil
used in LV-winding
Dry Type Distribution Transformers
250 kVA up to 40,000 kVAMission Working with us, you have access to a world-
wide network of factories and facilities serving
ABB is a global leader in power and automati-
you locally with a full range of products and
on technologies that enable utility and industry
solutions. Our warranty provides one ABB qua-
customers to improve performance while
lity and service. Working together gives you ac-
lowering environmental impact.
cess to production facilities using the most up
to date technologies, providing the highest qua-
lity for standard and specialty products as well
Introduction to ABB
as solutions.
ABB is the worlds leading supplier of Distribution
Transformers. We offer:
All technologies (Dry/Liquid)
All standards (IEC, ANSI, etc)
Applications up to 72.5 kV
Facts and figures (approx)
Production facilities around the world: 30
Countries with Sales and Services centers: 140
Number of units produced yearly: 400,000
Quality statement
Our production facilities are ISO 9001/14001
certified. Our aim is to deliver your distribution
transformers fast, on time and conform to your
the clean technology
The Challenge:
Environmental Safety & Security
Environmental protection demands are today
constantly rising. Ever more frequently, dry type
transformers user specifications are focused on
creating minimum environmental contamina-
tion and providing the very lowest flammabili-
ty risks. For this reason, our transformers must
today constantly meet more stringent parameters
with respect to electrical system demands, as
well as more extreme operating conditions. Glass fibre reinforcement
Applications today include: high-rise office and eliminates all risk of cracks
public buildings, nuclear power plants, offshore and provides the highest
petrochemical platforms, and high output mechanical strength
industrial process plants.
Development of many new technologies has
enabled our transformer designers to apply
modern materials with the very latest of pro-
cesses, increasing the transformers durability
while ensuring unprecedented product reliability.
Thermal shock proof
If any of the following demands form part of even at the highest and
your transformer application, then ABB has the lowest temperatures
necessary solution:
No environmental or human
contamination risks
Non-explosive and extreme fire resistance
Heavy loading cycles (from cold starts to
full loading)
High short circuit withstand Smooth surfaces restrict
Exposure to extreme conditions (arctic, dust accumulation
tropic, chemicals, moistures etc)
Harmonic overloading, over-voltage peaks
or variable load factors
Minimum maintenance
Glass fibre and epoxy
The solution: resin encapsulation pre-
RESIBLOC®- the cast resin transformer vents ingress of moisture and
protects against aggressive
For over 30 years, we have produced and sup-
plied cast resin transformers all over the world.
RESIBLOC® transformers answer the need for
a safe, reliable transformer designed to fulfil the
most exacting specification requirements, whilst
providing a non-flammable, environmentally
safe product.
High impulse withstand
The glass fibre reinforced RESIBLOC®transfor- through layer winding,
mer offers an extremely robust and proven de- giving a linear voltage
sign for medium voltage transformer require- distribution
ments, conforming to IEC 60076-11 standards.
4 ABBMain technical data
Power rating (AN) 250 kVA to 40,000 kVA
Classification acc. to IEC 60076-11
Rated voltage up to 45 kV – Climatic classification C2
– Environmental classification E2
– Fire classification F1
Compact self-supporting
winding in a one-piece
block – optimum to with-
stand short-circuit-forces
Cylindrical cooling-ducts
provide the advantage of op-
timal cooling through the
inner coil
Aluminium or Copper foil
used in LV-winding
1. 结构紧凑:由于是落地安装设计,占用空间相对较小,便于在有限的空间内灵活部署,特别适合于工厂、数据中心、商业建筑等对空间利用率要求高的场所。
2. 无油结构:干式变压器没有传统油浸变压器使用的绝缘油,避免了火灾风险以及维护过程中可能产生的环境污染问题,符合现代绿色环保的发展趋势。
3. 高可靠性:干式变压器具有良好的散热性能,能够在各种气候条件下稳定运行,同时内部绕组和铁芯均采用高质量材料制造,确保长期运行中的高效率和低损耗。
4. 维护便捷:由于采用免维护或少维护的设计,使得日常维护工作量大大减少,仅需定期检查和更换一些易损件,如空气过滤器、冷却风扇等。
5. 安全性强:具备多重安全保障措施,如过载保护、短路保护、温度监控及报警系统等,能有效防止因过热或其他异常情况导致的故障。